Sunday, May 31, 2009

I Forgot to Mention

I am in Mexico. Due to several unforeseen events (aka the perfect shitstorm) I haven´t had the opportunity to post much. Part of the events include my laptop dying while I´m here, so no pictures for awhile. I am happy to report that the wedding went out without a hitch, and nobody died, and everybody got bailed out of jail that needed to. Yes, I´m serious - it was touch and go there for awhile!

Going to keep this short cause this Mexican keyboard is really odd. Time to go and finally start enjoying this vacation! TTYL

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday Randoms

I like to take pictures of random things while I'm driving. Okay, not while I'm driving, exactly, but when stopped in traffic. Yes, I carry my point and shoot wherever I go. Is that strange? I always used to see cool things when out and about and wish I had my camera with me. So I started carrying it all the time. Works for me.

Hee hee! I think I'm mentally 12 years old. (I hope no horny teachers are reading this.)

This took me a second... then I said "OMFG I have to have one!!!"

Sadie and her +1 enjoying the sunny day on our deck

Friday, May 22, 2009

New Dress

Recently I was telling a new friend who lives in Chicago that men never approach me in Seattle. When I go other places, it happens. But in this town? Abso-fucking-lutely never. (Which translates to about once a year, and - surprise - they are guys who moved here from somewhere else. )

New Friend suggested I "go into a boutique and buy a cute new dress." After I finished laughing hysterically (like I said, he doesn't know me too well yet), I decided he might have a point. Plus I wanted a cute dress to wear to the wedding in Mexico next week. So I went to Goodwill and found this sassy little number for about $10 - it was on the 'designer' rack, which costs more than standard Goodwill pricing. However, it was black and white, which was a little tame for me. Therefore it was off to the fabric store to buy some RIT dye to jazz it up a bit. My efforts are displayed below.

So, Sane, this one's for you... don't say I never took your advice ;)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Unusual Thursday Afternoon

Yesterday evening Sadie and I went for our standard walk. As per usual, a squirrel ran by and Sadie chased it. But this time, for the first time ever, Sadie actually caught it. I couldn't believe it, and I don't think she could either. It was pretty interesting to watch, because Sadie's a dog just being a dog, and also because it was surprisingly not gory (I can't handle gore). The sick thing is it took awhile. A long while. There was lots of cat and mouse action going on. I didn't pull Sadie away, because I thought it would be even more cruel to leave the squirrel lying there dying a slow death.

Anyway, Sadie eventually finished the job and picked up her prize in her mouth with the intent on taking it home, I am sure. So the rest of the walk was spent with Sadie marching proudly along and me slinking along in shame. Of course it was such a nice day that ALL my neighbors were out for evening strolls. And I was definitely not imagining the shocked looks and horrified whispers behind my back. Even the cars driving by slowed down, the drivers staring in horror. That was the longest dog walk I think I've ever taken.

Of course, being the sick bastard that I am, I snapped a picture with my cell phone cam. I sent it to 'home' in my address book, intending that it would go to my email so that I could forward it to interested parties. But a few minutes later, when I got a frantic text message back from 'home' saying "Who is this???" I realized that I accidentally sent it to my old work BlackBerry - a phone number that I no longer have.

So, yep, I just sent a picture of my dog killing a squirrel to a total stranger. I thought the person would just let it go, but noooooo, they had to start freaking out and demanding to know who I am. I said "Does it matter? My name is SadieMBeagle. Do we know each other?" And they wrote back "NO" and that was the end of it.

And I finally pried the squirrel from Sadie's jaws and got her back in the house. Now she's kind of depressed. I guess stuffed toys no longer cut it once you've had actual squirrel.