Let me start by saying that I don't really count today as part of the road trip. Well, not the fun part at least. Today was a slog down I-5 to get to Grant's Pass before making my way to the Bay Area tomorrow. And it took quite a bit longer than google maps led me to believe... not 6.5 hours, more like 8 hours! Add in some harrowing episodes with snow blizzards and rain squalls, and you have one exhausted girl and one exhausted beagle who are glad to be settled in for the night.
The day started off at Magnuson Dog Park, where Sadie burned off some steam before I loaded her into the car for our journey.
The day started off at Magnuson Dog Park, where Sadie burned off some steam before I loaded her into the car for our journey.
Playing chase at the park
It was pretty windy
Then off we went down I-5 south. I put Sadie in a FidoRido, which is a carseat for dogs. Laugh if you will, but what do you think happens to an unrestrained animal in a car that gets in an accident? You get a furry, four-legged projectile that can cause serious damage to itself or to the human occupants of the car! Not to mention if I don't buckle Sadie in, she tries to climb in my lap because she's afraid of the car. Maybe I'm a horrible person for making Sadie even ride in the car, but I think the fun places we go far outweigh her discomfort during the ride. I hope.
Sadie is not a fan
We saw our first snow at the Toutle River rest stop at milepost 54 in Washington!
Finally, just before 10:00 p.m.(!), we pulled into the lot of the glorious Motel 6 in Grant's Pass, Oregon. Say what you will, but Motel 6 is economical and they always take dogs without a fee.
We are off to sleep. Stay tuned for a more interesting update tomorrow, when I will have (a) done more interesting things, and (b) get to my hotel many hours before 10 p.m. and can therefore write a more lucid post.
More pictures can be found here
More pictures can be found here
Rock on! I am so jealous that you are getting to go on random road trips. Did you end up rejecting that new job or taking it? Have fun on your trip, I'll be checking in for updates.
Also, as a favor to me, will you fully delete the comment above?
Oh! Didn't realize SF would be a short stop on a 6 month journey around the world for you and Sadie. I'll try to make it memorable. See you both soon.
nuff said.
fidorido amuses me. its medieval.
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